HB Profit    
Period:7.2012 - 2.2015
Project:Good for Enterprise
Roles:Software Developer
Description:An Internet browser for iOS platform; is customized by the administrator, handles SSL connections, is integrated with other parts of GfE like email, calendar etc. Development is mainly focused on security and performance.
Activities:As a Software Developer I work in 5-person Scrum team. After every release we do maintenance work. I am responsible for design and implementation.
  • I write a code which use multithreading, SQLite, I design also UI parts of the application
  • I designed refactored DB usage using abstract factory design pattern to reduce amount of code and speed up further implementation,
  • prepare and perform Unit Tests,
  • cooperate with team members from abroad, share knowledge,
  • do support with creating documentations and requirements.
Technologies:C++, Objective-C, STL, UML2.0, Design patterns, Xcode, Perforce, iOS.
Roles:Software Developer
Description:Web service for ads.
Technologies:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL